Students of BBA batch visited Yakult Danone India Pvt Ltd on 5th December 2017 along with Prof Anindita Chatterjee. Yakult Danone India Pvt Ltd is a joint venture of Japan and France and company has a global presence in different countries such as China, Brazil, UK, America, Malaysia etc.
Students got useful information about the production process and beneficial bacteria. After presentation Yakult milk-drink was offered to students for taste. Once the presentation is finished, there was a question-answer session in which students asked various questions about testing, quality control, safety, micro bacteria etc. There after students went for factory visit and layout and production process was explained by operations executive in a detailed manner. The visit ended with a group photograph and vote of thanks.
The visit was very productive for the students as it brought new insight about the usage of bacteria, production process, automation and quality control. Students were mesmerized to see the state of the art infrastructure and maintenance of hygiene in the company. At last vote of thanks was given by the students for the nice hospitality shown by the management of the company.
The students were shown a presentation on the inception of Yakult, the benefits of Yakult Probiotic along with a round of the manufacturing unit.
The students enjoyed the visit immensely, and were presented with goodies from yakult.