Children’s Day Event
IILM University believes in and nurture all round development of its students to prepare them for all the challenges of life with a smile on face and positive spirit in their heart. On one side if it leaves no stone unturned in maintaining highest level of rigor in academic activities than on the other hand give exposure to students to develop and showcase their talent and skills through various co-curricular activities organized under clubs at IILM.
In the pursuit of academic success, students sometimes need a break from the classroom and an opportunity to release pent-up energy. Athletics and sports not only have great physical benefits, but also help one to improve mentally and emotionally. When students are physically fit, they will achieve more academically too. Sport develops a sense of friendliness among the students and develop their team spirit Participation in organized sports offers the chance for youth to enhance their physical and social skills. Sports offer children a change from the monotony of their daily life. It is also a useful means of entertainment and much required physical activity for them.
Keeping in mind all these benefits, the sports club of IILM University organizes various activities for all the students to offer an escape from the walls of classrooms and working on gadgets. The recent addition to those activities was Tug of War, to teach them competition as well as teamwork and of course to have lots of fun.
It is always good to ignite a child in you and what better than tug of war on children’s day i.e. 14th November, 2018. To commemorate Children’s day Sports Club and NGO Club organized 2 events simultaneously. Post exams of Term 1 students also feeling stressed out and looking for a break in routine, so the sports club organized for both undergraduate and postgraduate students ‘Tug Of War’ that seems to be the most appropriate to pump them up. And it also made the children’s day really exciting and special. We invited the underprivileged children’s living nearby, who are the part of IILM University, NGO Club and it was really rewarding to see the smiles on their faces when they participate in various fun activities including musical chair and few performances from them.
All the boys and girls from Post graduate and Undergraduate showed their strength and vigor. IILM University always believes in gender equality and empowering women in all possible ways, so teams had equal number of boys and girls and their strength and enthusiasm was also matched. There were total eight teams who fought with each other. ‘Pull House’ from PG 2nd year and the ‘Flyers’ from PG 1st year played the final match. The sense of representation was high as everyone wanted their batch to win and everybody was willing to give their all to make that happen. Audience were their throughout cheering and boosting the morale of the team battling it out at the field. The music and the witty commentary set the mood at the field. ‘Pull House’ ultimately stood victorious but not without facing some serious challenger from PG 1st year and the undergraduates. And the winning team and the runner up team received a prize which matches the heart and effort that they had put into competing.
Thereafter children from nearby villages took part in some fun activities and received some gifts arranged by NGO Club.
The event was immensely enjoyed by the audience. Everyone departed with smile on their face biding good bye to the day full of energy and memories to be cherished.
The requests for another such event were already coming in. Sports club will surely organize many such events in the future.
Contributors: Divisha Agarwal , Rupanshi Sharma
Faculty Co-ordinator : CA. Vishal Goel