Industry Academia Meet 2018

Conventionally, education is portrayed as a process of enabling learning or acquiring knowledge, habits & skills with the intention to be transformed into a socially acceptable person. Right education unbolts plethora of avenues for an individual which can be exploited to reap resounding success in life. With changing times, the education system too, has become irrevocably dynamic and hence the responsibility of educators heaves up manifold to equip future leaders with an accurate incubator for maximum mutual benefit. Evidently, organizations constantly put an employee’s mettle to a test by observing how poised he/she is in countering mundane business worries. Hence, employers incessantly hunt for people who are cognitively flexible, smart & confident to make their business grow.

As thoughtful educators, the management of IILM decided to engage in a radical discussion with established loyalists to identify the lacunae and incorporate suggestions to make the teaching model oriented towards students’ success. The objective of the Industry Academia Meet 2018 was thus boiled down to acclimatize with measures that add up in making a student fit for the corporate world. The deliberated meet also intended to probe for ways to inculcate practices that make teaching model most innovative. Restraining students to classroom teachings could be quite delirious to their careers and would eventually hamper the organizational excellency, especially in the contemporary set up because organizations are in dire need of versatile personnel.

To address & resolve this perceptible issue, eminent personalities from organizations like Future Group, IndusInd Bank, Nestle, Bata, Oracle & Marks & Spencer nodded to participate in the dialogue. The discussion peeled off with Senior Director and other Faculty Associates elaborating about the prevailing structure of education at IILM, wherein they explicitly explained all the modules across different domains of specialization, the blueprint of extra-curricular activities, management-oriented engagements & finally expressed the openness to adopt experimental learning. Post understanding the entire schema, the industry guests adorned the gathering with alluring propositions, some of which are envisaged as under:

  • Students must drive majority of functions: Borrowing cues from his alma mater, one of the guests suggested that a student would learn more by doing. A platform must be created whereby students are given lead to plan and execute events, sessions or festivals as learning does not happen in isolation. Doing so will help them learn how to tackle difficulties and think faster.
  • Clarity of thought process: This goes to explain the ambiguity that virtually no student is spared of while thinking about choosing the specialization. One way to sort this issue is by connecting every student to industry mentors over and above the faculty mentors to keep them at pace with industry expectations from different domains. Once this is achieved, the college must give all possible insights relevant to that domain.
  • Student focus is most pivotal: An important point enumerated by one of guests signaled that most students keep hopping off across different verticals that ultimately fosters job dissatisfaction and resentment. Thus, a student must investigate his/her area of interest to perform sensibly at workplace. The aim must not be to get the job but to make a career.
  • Curriculum must lay more emphasis on learning through case studies. This form of education is more practical and would enhance the attitude of brainstorming.
  • Faculty training: It meant to highlight the importance giving proper, timely inductions to faculty members so that their contribution is also improved. This would also help them understand that every student is different and needs to be developed on a case to case basis.
  • Working on soft skills: Students need to be highly polished while presenting themselves to the community. Dashing communication skills are a per-requisite to business success and must thus be given prime importance.
  • Summer Internship Program (SIP): By far one of the most influential factors in securing jobs is by demonstrating the learning acquired by a candidate during his/her apprenticeship. Most organizations welcome candidate with a good foundation and prior understanding of business know how which could be established through undergoing a good training. The guest also suggested that students must be mentally tough to advocate severe grinding during this stint as it ultimately does more good than harm. Important to mention that it also reduces organization’s cost in some cases.
  • Use of technology: Technology should be used in a wise way. It should not jeopardize the use of books that have world of wisdom and better ways to sort our queries.
  • Institutions must also give time to students to absorb huge amount of information as well as time to introspect. Some of the top colleges have molded their curriculum to match with a student’s requirements.
  • Use of LinkedIn: This undoubtedly remains an indomitable source to search numerous opportunities. Accordingly, it can induce active learning and serve to be a multipurpose source.

Delving into these suggestions would lead to rewarding outcomes, for both students and the institute. In totality, the agenda to explore and acquire progressive ideas was adequately met. It is a matter of pride and honour that these suggestions would be incorporated in IILM’s silver jubilee year of establishment coupled with its achievement to be accoladed as a University. Hoping it glorifies the education level once again and meets the expectation of its stakeholders with staggering performance in the education industry.

Student Committee On Placements: An Introduction

Who does not foster the ideology of ‘work hard party harder’ in the contemporary world? As evident, there is no second thought that managers should perform handsomely not only on the technical frontiers but also advocate the needs of a wider, global audience. Realising the significance of this much accepted convention, our college works zealously to ensure that each one of us entails the benefits of the committee in the most productive fashion.

In the light of above connotations, it makes us extremely delighted to introduce ourselves through our very first written correspondence. Just as every organisation is built on the edifice of mission and vision, the Student Committee On Placements (SCOP) functions under similar disciplines. The foundational tenet of SCOP is to make the journey of every student enthralling and to provide a platform to showcase and build upon their skills. The committee and institution’s management work together to create a synergy for the betterment of students. It is an integral part of our duties to encourage fellow mates to participate and absorb intended learning behind every gathering.

Tailor made objectives of the committee are encapsulated below:

  • To initiate and encourage the attitude of active participation.
  • To highlight the importance of working upon oneself by strengthening the areas of improvement.
  • To act as catalyst in coordinating and conducting the placement process smoothly.
  • To maintain a calendar in place highlighting management oriented activities.
  • To assist various clubs in planning and organising their activities.

Sounds interesting? We are as ecstatic as it sounds to foray into these endeavours that would unfold over the horizon of these two career building years. So grab this opportunity to break your inner cyst that has restrained you from becoming an upcoming trendsetter because in the words of Jim Rohn ,”If you are not willing to risk the usual, you will have to settle for the ordinary”.


With the aim of keeping the learning mission in loop through practical acquaintances, Placement Week 2 was orchestrated between 9/10/17 and 13/10/17. Thanks to the stupendous efforts of IILM’s management in tandem with CDC, notable speakers from diverse industries agreed to interact with future managers about the expected contemporary & future industry requirements. The week also focused on imparting and harnessing skills that add up in making a high performing candidate at the time of recruitment. There is no refuting the fact that improved knowledge coupled with managerial skills increase the chances of placement manifold. Consequently, the entire week was drafted to align academic knowledge with recruitment pre-requisites.

All the sessions were extremely informative and directed at creating real time placement situation for the maximum benefit of the attendees. History is corroborative of the fact that practice fosters perfection. Some pertinent highlights in achieving the level of perfection during the remarkable week are summed up below:

  • Introduction to internships: The week kick started with the lead of placement cell elaborating about the several internship avenues and stressing on the importance of finding the right company for training.
  • Session on excel & resume building: A resume gives a bird’s eye view of the potential employee’s background and much more. Thus, it could be inferred that the resume must abide by the accepted standard as it makes a first impression. It is equally important to brush up excel skills to upgrade one’s operational proficiency.
  • Session on adapting to workplace: An astute employee knows the importance of mixing with the corporate environment. A session was thus conducted that envisaged on delivering tips & techniques to perform smartly at workplace.
  • Group discussion (GD)& personal interviews (PI): As a mandate, every organization conducts a GD & PI to scan to best fit for their company. This gives them a chance to understand an applicant from different viewpoints. It was thus an integral component of the placement week schedule and was aptly conducted by able faculties.
  • Session on pathways: Changing trends call for clever actions to make the best use of the approaching opportunities. A session introducing ‘pathways’ was planned to apprise student about the mix of subjects they can choose to get the best out of their specialization(s).
  • Alumni on campus: Thanks to the amount of efforts IILM put in every student, it is certain that our esteem alumnus are bound to showcase them and take the college pride to the next level. Sessions by alumnus captivated attention and managed to engage maximum students.

In totality, the objective of delivering meaningful information through well conducted sessions was adequately achieved. The Placement Week ended positively and marked the beginning of Diwali break with happy faces exchanging wishes with each other in advance.


One of the chief constituents in determining success of a management student hovers around his/ her ability to transcend academic learning to secure a promising placement. Undoubtedly, this has remained a consideration for every student since the moment he decides to venture into a management program. Abiding by this rationale, IILM has maintained a reputation of providing an incubator to address such need of young, aspiring minds by providing a platform to learn & grow.

Thanks to the commendable efforts of college management, the objective of conducting a Sectoral Talk for the benefit of students was adequately achieved. Renowned representatives of different companies from varied background discussed about their respective sectors in detail during the week which was organized between 24th August 2017 and 26th August 2017. Students, on the other hand, contributed significantly by actively participating in all the sessions. It was mesmerizing to see the enthusiasm in future managers who were eager to learn about opportunities from noteworthy speakers. Some beneficial excerpts and takeaways are discussed as under:

  • Orient Craft, represented by Mr. Paramjeet Lambha

The company is known to have state of art production facilities. Representing one of India’s best garment manufacturers, Mr. Lambha narrated about the robustness and efficiency level that have helped the company sustain its peak position. He also affirmed that every employee associated with Orient Craft could be rest assured of an exciting career.

  • BlackRock, represented by Mr. Nikhil Ladha

It would be a redundant effort to introduce BlackRock as it is one of the most premier asset management companies across the globe. Students keen upon building career in Finance were excited to learn about the intricacies of the sector. Mr. Ladha, who is Amity Business School alumni talked about the kinds of skill sets required to thrive in the Financial sector and explained the various job profiles that one can fit in depending upon the knowledge & interest.

  • Shuttl, represented by Mr. Nischal Mittal

A Chartered Accountant by qualification, Mr. Mittal enriched the audience with amazing concept that his organization functions on. The company was founded to resolve the issue of overcrowding & over pricing in public transportation such as cabs & metros. Talking about different verticals of his company, he explained how different it is to work in a startup. Besides this, he also discussed about the several engagement opportunities for management graduates in Shuttl.  He concluded his session by stating that his company is determined to expand its operations in near future by adopting cleaner & greener ways.

  • HT Media, represented by Mr. Prateek Mehta

Representing almost a 100 years old organization, Mr. Mehta engaged the students as he spoke about the very prevalent Media & Advertising sector. An MBA from Lal Bahadur Shastri Institute of Management, he shared his experiences of being associated with the industry. According to him, Advertising possesses immense power & capabilities to capture the minds of target audience. To support this, he stressed on the example of NEXA showrooms that Maruti has come up with to showcase its premium segment cars. He finally emphasized on the career opportunities that digital marketing promises in the coming times.

  • Resonance Consulting, represented by Mr. Rajeev Shukla

Mr. Shukla was effective in moving the audience with his insights on advertising industry. He described Advertising as “branding & communication”. He was extremely optimistic about this industry as he touched upon the nitty gritty of the same. During his session, he also apprised about ways to get into the industry and the type of skill sets that can help one prosper. At the end, he managed to persuade the audience with his strong words and made everyone think differently.

  • BMW, represented by Mrs. Ssonya Singh

After learning about the technicalities of various sectors, it was time to reflect upon the thoughts of a speaker who requested to have a candid session. Mrs. Singh has been associated with BMW for quite a while and happily explained how company is open to adopt changes. She also explained that the company aims to beat Mercedes and gain the number 1 position over a time horizon of one year. She suggested that it is very important to have a clear set of goals and a strong will implement them to achieve our dream. Only after knowing ourselves can we do our jobs with integrity.

In the nutshell, the street-smart representatives from diverse companies were successful in creating an aura of learning that intrigued the students to broaden their horizons of various sectors. The week proved fruitful for both, under graduates & graduate students who benefited by understanding the practical requirements of their dream jobs. It is thus important to mold one’s outlook and have a tunnel vision because in the present time, companies don’t look for the best people but the right people.

Visit to IndusInd Bank

They say anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Hence, to give wings to the learning objective of aspiring Bankers, the management organised a visit to IndusInd Bank’s M. G. Road branch on 20/12/17. The entire episode was escorted under the tutelage of Prof. Shegorika Lalchandani, who is an Associate Professor of Finance & Accounts. Such visits are an integral component of Career Trek scheme that aims at ensuring that all participants are enlightened with a practical outlook, something that is mundane with IILM’s teaching model.

Visiting one of the top Indian banks certainly added lilies to the bouquet as it gave us a glimpse of a typical work environment in a bank. Eager to grasp all that we could, we were fortunate to meet Mr. Parvinder Singh, who holds the coveted position of Bank Manager. He graciously outlined several notions that drives the banking industry in a crisp fashion throughout a very descriptive conversation. He also briefed about the expected level of understanding, the type of attitude and the right set of skills that a candidate must exhibit to perform and reach to the zenith in banking industry. It is a well established fact that Banking is a very dynamic industry and one needs to be agile in carrying out any operation as a bank employee.

Furthermore, Mr. Singh apprised us with the trends & concepts such as FinTech, Industrial Revolution 4.0, how the sector has evolved in 21st century and how bright the future looks like for Bankers. He narrated a process called ‘4 eyes’ to justify how meticulously a transaction is carried out in a bank to minimalize the possibility of an error/fraud. All operations and activities, are thus carried with rapt attention as any folly could tantamount to severe repercussions. At last, he welcomed and sorted questions escalated by us and suggested that one must always be inclined towards working hard to reap the most desired dividends in life.

In the nutshell, it was an enthralling experience that added interest to our bank of knowledge and intrigued us to possess & analyse with a pragmatic frame of mind to connect better with classroom teachings.


’All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy”

Corroborating the notion, IILM is synonymous to producing exceptional Jacks who are adept in both academic as well as non-academic facets. In constructing the overall personality of a student, the management thrives expeditiously in harnessing the best out of every future manager in the making. Keeping in limelight the prime objective, it was about time to dust off the impeding pressure and dive upon in a fun & playful engagement.

Adhering to the significance of physical activities, the sports club of the college regimented a ‘Fun Cricket Tournament’ on 18th August 2017 which was successfully organized in the college precincts. There are no marks for guessing the quantum of joy and passion that gets the Indians going when it comes to their favorite sport. Because of this reason, the sports club received an overwhelming response when the students were apprised about the tournament. Consequently, it was decided to augment the rules that promised a much more interesting game of cricket and meet the idea of enhancing amicability amongst the fellow mates.

As a rule, every team played with 4 boys & 2 girls. Both the undergraduate and post graduate team students showcased their spirit towards the gentlemen’s sport by defeating scorching heat and savored each moment of the tournament. The off-field participants in the form of audience lauded for their favorite teams with equal zest.

At the end, the team of Gurugram Warriors was unassailable and lifted the winning trophy. Finally, with the dusk of sun ended a fun tournament that promised to be back next year with unlimited entertainment.