Indian society and attitude of peoples are changing when we talk about the social activity and responsibilities. Humongous number of people have come forward with their different ways to serve state and society in a better way. But it’s proven fact “all that glitters is not gold”.
Somewhere in the pomp and show of hassle-dazzle world, Bottom of the Pyramids remain unsung and untouched. Economically weaker segment of the society get intrigued somewhere in the system of various NGOs and Non-profit Organizations. When it comes to get fulfilled their need, they are not able to reach the benefits directly.
YUVA GOONJ–NGO club Of IILM INSTITUTE FOR BUSINESS AND MANAGEMENT is here with their First Blood Donation Camp of year 2017 held on 10th of March at the institutes premises. Objective behind the donation camp was to serve the bottom strata of the society. All the bloods collected from the camp would be used for various needs of blood of the monetarily weak people. Our search came to an end with “OM CHARITABLE BLOOD BANK”, organisation based in Noida. Om Charitable Blood Bank directly fulfilled the need of slum people of Noida and Uttar Pradesh. Despite focusing on income they do their work for the actual needy section. Sometime due to low literacy and awareness, many of people don’t reach out to several blood bank. Hence Om charitable bank finds their way to reach needy people and are doing explendid job to mitigate this Problem.
Our collaboration with Blood connect continues to organise the Blood donation camp successfully. Yuva Goonj Volunteers were seen with great enthusiasm and zeal to make this camp a success. Total “ 58“ registration were done, out of which “ 44“ were fit and fine to donate blood. Participation of faculty members and students was worth appreciating. Prof. Vishal Goel started the camp by donating first, which was a booster as well inspiration for the students. Mr Dinesh Bishnoi from Accounts department too contributed in this noble cause by donating blood. Blue collar staffs of institutes also came forward to donate blood and do their part of contribution for society. Not only from the institute but also had much people from outside the institute came as well to donate blood.

Prof. Vishal Goel and Mr Dinesh Bishnoi repectively.

Student and Security Staff donating blood.
Helpings wings of Yuva Goonj did a splendid job under the guidance of Dr Pinky Goswami to make the camp a great success. Yuva Goonj is setting an example and inspiration for the society by spreading their objective “Social Awareness For social Cause” in an altruistic manner.

Yuva Goonj Team with Blood Connect Team.