Pathways to Accomplish Goals

Pathways to Accomplish Goals

Life is jam-packed with agendas and timetables. It is all designed at attaining certain goals so that we can measure our triumph. Be it students, young professionals, entrepreneurs, or CEOs, regardless of title and age, each person has goals to achieve.

What is your goal? Travel to your desired destination, lead a team, realize a milestone in your profession, top an exam, learning at a reputed college, pursue an interest, be an innovative entrepreneur or simply develop a yoga posture correct? Whatsoever the goal, it involves a certain level of thought, preparation, designing, and execution. Nonetheless, the question is how to achieve these goals? Let’s dig deeper into exactly how you emphasis on your goals and accomplish them.

Focus on the following pathways to attain your goals:

  • Discover the 3Rs of goals – Relevant, Rational and Realistic.

Relevant: Make sure that the goal you have fixed for yourself comes out to be useful once you attain it.

Rational: Target for something viable and attainable. Let’s say your objective is to visit the moon in the coming few years. Has there been a spacecraft developed for the common public? Or do you plan to be a cosmonaut? If none of these, then do not put yourself up for dissatisfaction.

Realistic: Aiming realistic goals is conceivable when you do an analysis of your SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats). Noncompliance with impractical goals will only discourage you.

  • Set minor sub-goals.

Goals are long term, with time limits that are years away, instigating you to be slack and relaxed now making you unsystematic and unplanned. Building smaller targets will make the main goal look more attainable and will also give you a sense of path and perseverance, and reinforce your focus on your long term goal.

  • Nurture common interest groups.

Be in an accurate environment. For instance, if you want to be a successful entrepreneur, join entrepreneurial/start-up groups. These groups can share their valued experiences and skills. Further significantly, they can motivate when you are unenthusiastic and dispirited.

A goal initiates as a dream. Therefore, it is vital that you dream and visualize. Nevertheless, without a design and some strategy to act upon, it will stay a reverie. Remember that a goal worth attaining will implicate certain changes in you. Eventually, the effort essential for realizing goals is a blend of vigor and skillfulness. You will have to discern and discover your distinctive capabilities.

Dr. Rachna Madaan


Industry 5.0- The next Industrial Revolution

Technology has evolved as one powerful tool and enabler that has changed human perception, behavior and significantly their lives. World has witnessed series of inventions and innovations since 18th century which has transformed human lives and business. These transformations have been ornamentally termed as Industrial Revolutions. At present the world is reaping the benefits of Industry 4.0 (or fourth industrial revolution).

The Previous Industrial Revolutions (first to third)

 The first Industrial revolution started at the end of 18th century which primarily reduced our dependence on animal power and bio mass. Mechanization and steam power has replaced agriculture from center piece of economy and given the baton in the hands of manufacturing.  A century later second revolution occurred leading to significant breakthroughs in the form of electricity, oil& gas explorations, chemical synthesis primarily ammonia and the boss of all- communication. The third industrial revolution begins in the second half of 20th century and major inventions were electronics, telecommunications, and computational prowess. The interesting observation in these revolutions was that there was a gap of century or more among the first three revolutions. However, the fourth revolution termed as Industry 4.0 started in less than 50 years of time gap and interestingly world has begun working on Industry 5.0; shrinking time line to less than a decade.

Industry 4.0

The fourth industrial revolution is the initiation of ‘cyber –physical systems’ unfolding new capabilities for people and machines. The technology is embedding itself into societies, human bodies and connecting devices and machines together. Some example of technological advancements of industry 4.0 includes machine learning; 3D Printing, connected devices (internet of things), smart factories, and genome editing, cryptographic methods like block chain are drafting new approaches to governance.

Industry 4.0 have offered tremendous opportunities to the business world by offering them huge volume of data collected through connected machines as well provide them with useful insights and patterns by analyzing the same. This helps business to optimize their operations and prioritizing the areas of attention. It is expected that by 2025 a quarter of world GDP will come from digital technologies like AI or cloud computing. The innovations brought by Industry 4.0 will bring more access to digital environment with long term benefits to scale, efficiency and productivity.

So much to achieve and leverage from yet evolving technologies of Industry 4.0 but humans are hungry for more and better and in less than a decades time world is introduced to the concept of INDUSTRY 5.0.

Explaining Industry 5.0

Industry 4.0 is already using advance technology, high end digitization, interconnected device with an aim to generate increased productivity with greater safety, quality and reduced waste. Then, the question arises what is the difference between Industry 4.0 and 5.0. Here is the answer:

Industry 5.0 will take the personalization of products to next level. Industry 4.0 allows you to work with and train your manufacturers but with Industry 5.0 businesses can allow the customers to customize their products. For example you can create your car with thousands of different variables by choosing from various mini websites like its color, interior, shape and lots of inbuilt features and app. Voila, you got delivered a car having best of features and more specifically what you desired. Take another example in medical field Type I diabetes measuring devices uses technology one size fits all and medical professional try to adjust and  tweak the system of an individual by prescribing insulin doses. If we move to Industry 5.0 it provides individuals an app that follows their metabolism and produces a smaller, more discrete and robust device that’s custom made for the individual. So, for such patients it’s a life changing experience.

So Industry 5.0 focuses on the cooperation between human and machine. It is like Human cognition working in harmony with machine computing. Industry 5.0 brings human back to the center stage of production to work with collaborative robots leading to mass customization and delivering personalized products to every customer. The workplaces become bigger safer and allow freedom of design to work. The advanced stages of Industry 5.0 will allow the flow of real time seamless data between the field, the manufacturing process and the design. And the best part Human touch is back to the manufacturing.

It could be added further that the heroes of Industry 5.0 will be cobots and intelligent software applications. Collaborative robots are programmed to interact with humans in shared workforce. This use of artificial intelligence will facilitate employment rather than eliminating it. The collaborative dimension is the base of next revolution which is near and sure to come.

Is the world ready to welcome Industry 5.0?

The Theory of a Lockdown

One may be right to question the power of law as an interdisciplinary and normative tool that can lead a social change thereby redeeming lives in the process. It may be pertinent to revisit the Sophist challenge to justice in Plato’s ‘The Republic’, where the dialogue unravels why men behave justly? Is it because of the notions of divine retribution or do men behave justly because it is good for them to do so or is it because the mighty wish to subjugate the feeble? In light of this, the importance of a just Ruler (the State) in the present times is necessary, the lack of which would result in an impending disaster.


These are the most uncertain times most generations have witnessed; several economies in the world are at a standstill and the most basic human right, i.e. the right to freedom of movement, has been snatched from citizens. What does this story tell us? Are the citizens of most (even the most developed) nations not aware of the imminent danger that the novel corona virus, the Covid-19 poses to lives, economies and the future of the world as we know it. We saw the Italians singing in their balconies, we saw China’s graph flatten but what we conveniently skipped was the number of coffins piled up in Italy’s funeral grounds and the strict lockdowns imposed in the Hubei province in China.  


Why was it necessary for the State to intervene with fundamental rights of people in most countries in the world, including India? It was not because the State envisaged subjugating the feeble nor was it the might of imposing “divine retributions”, in the present scenario, the only viable reason seems that the subjects of the State simply are unaware of the right thing to do. The lockdown is not out of choice of governance or to redeem an advantageous ulterior motive (as challenged by many), the direct causation only indicated towards the absurdity of its subjects. The state has to use enforcements and the tools of reprimand to ensure the safety of its public, including the safety of the reprimanded. One is forced to look at the videos of Italian Mayors, requesting, or rather threatening the public to stay inside lest face the wrath of enforcement agencies and the flock of students celebrating spring break in Florida, USA. Closer to home, the gathering of thousands of migrant workers near Delhi-Uttar Pradesh border signifies the requirement of State intervention in the face of lack of protocols and awareness.


In the times to come, the imposition of these lockdowns will have tremendous undesirable and/or desirable effects on the growth and development of healthcare, small and medium sized businesses, financial economies, capital markets and more importantly the way we lead our lives. At the very least, the lesson each one of us can derive out of this is to never let the State be left with no other choice but to curtail our very basic rights, only to right a wrong exacerbated by our own incongruities.

Campus Venture – a win win situation.

Bill Gates dropped out of Harvard to start Microsoft, just 2 years into his college education. This business that made him a millionaire by the age of 26 years. Mark Zuckerberg launched Facebook in his second year at Harvard. Steve Jobs conceptualized Apple Computers after dropping out of college ….. Back home Ritesh Agarwal, founder of Oyo Rooms  –started his first venture Oravel Stays Pvt. Ltd in college. A number of the leading entrepreneurs launched their start-ups in college days, and many of these had to drop out of their education to achieve what they planned.  They had the entrepreneurial spirit, the innovative idea, but not a supportive ecosystem. They had to choose – to complete their education or work towards their dream

However today the times have changed. Now a budding entrepreneur doesn’t need to choose one over the other. Now is a great time to be a student who wants to start her own business while studying. Some interesting reasons why a student should start her own venture while she is still studying in a university.

Collaborative Environment – A successful start-ups are often backed by founders working together from diverse background to create radical innovations. A university offers an unmatched platform for students to interact, ideate and collaborate with students across different streams,   which often results in the development of innovative business ideas /solutions.

Campus Resources – Universities are creating an extremely supportive ecosystem to encourage students who want to start their venture. In the current scenario, they are willing to help students with free infrastructure, in terms of space to operate from, wi-fi, electricity cost, etc. which dramatically reduces the fixed cost of running the start-up. More often than not, the universities are also connected to their alumni and venture capital funds, who are willing to give a window of opportunity to the budding entrepreneurs to showcase their business ideas and generate funds

Additionally, in Indian, if an Atal Incubation Center (AIC) or Atal Innovation Community Center (AICC) has been created in the said educational institutions, the students also get innumerable other advantages including

Ø  access to sectoral experts for mentoring

Ø  support in business planning and development,

Ø  seed funding from the University’s AIC or AICC on a case-to-case basis

Ø  access to an ecosystem that increases the success rate of the start-up

Ø  access to financial and tax consultants for regulatory compliances, IPR attorneys and such professionals

Captive Customer Base– Universities have a young, large population and offer a captive audience for any budding entrepreneurship to test market an innovative product or service. Herein the start-up doesn’t need to spend money to reach customers to validate their minimum viable product or service. Trials are fast, feedbacks are honest and the customers are forgiving. In addition to the above, the university campus offers a more accepting micro-market, wherein a start-up gets another chance.

Faculty Guidance – It is only a campus venture (a start-up incubated in the university) that has the advantage of getting guidance from professionals across multiple –functions. It is one place where faculty members with multiple skillsets are always available to guide the students across functions, whether it is creating a business plan or a low –cost marketing plan to launch the product. Niche industry experiences, multi-domain knowledge of faculty members is easily accessible to the students, putting them on a steep learning curve and guiding them till they are ready to move out on their own.

Young, energetic, enthusiastic interns – Start-ups need all hands on board, and yet they have limited paying power. At their university, student entrepreneurs get the chance to invite their peers to work as interns with them. This allows the peers to get valuable experience of working in a start-up, while the campus venture get interns for helping them.

A Win-Win Situation– University students normally have limited responsibilities during education, in terms of the need for a stable monthly income to support a family. Hence their risk is limited. If the start-up launched by them becomes successful, it gives them unmatched financial rewards and recognition. However, even in the failure of their start-up, they win. Launching their start-up gives them an unmatched advantage offering them valuable, holistic learnings and experience of managing a business. The practical experience gives them an edge during the campus placement process, wherein they are the preferred choice by most recruiters.

The Significance of a student in the life of a Teacher

It’s the first day of the Semester.

A walk into a group of unknown ,

Your heart thumps with nervousness,

How are they going be… you never know..

There are eyes staring at you from across the hallway,

Blunt and confused,

Waiting for you with eagerness

And waiting to discover the unknown you,

There is a certain level of confusion on both the ends of the road,

They want to know you but you are so unknown to them,

You see yourself as a teacher,

Whose Job is just to teach.

They see you as a teacher who shall be available for them to reach.

The initial exchanges of courtesy and you are still trying to learn their name.

They are nervous to approach you but both know we are in the  same game.

It’s been a week; a month and things seem to mellow down,

The tides once at their zenith seem to have calmed down.

The exchanges become lighter and class becomes brighter.

The shells begin to crack and the cocoon seems to open

The butterfly seems to flutter and inhibitions seem to be broken,

The classes are fun now for them and for you,

And evenings are about missing for them and for you,

The initial nervousness seems to have been replaced with excitement,

Even Saturdays are about looking forward towards Mondays,

Thinking of  them is about thinking of you,

And you are the only one who understands.

As the months go by you understand,

Students fill in the vacuum which only a teacher can understand.

They have now become a reason of that upward curve

Health and Well Being during Self Quarantine

Individuals, as social beings, need to socialize to maintain a good state of well-being. Research findings reveal that social support is an important predictor of quality of life an individual leads. The famous ‘buffering hypothesis’ also presents the importance of social support during stressful episodes. However, considering the current scenario, when the entire nation is going through a complete lock down, all of us are bound be experiencing boredom, anxiety, stress and seclusion. Self-quarantine may also have an influence on our daily functioning in areas like physical activity, socializing, activities of daily living, occupation etc. During these tough times of self-quarantine it is of utmost significance to keep ourselves cognitively stimulated and be engaged constructively& meaningfully.

During this time of adversity we need to stand strong and look for positivity amidst challenges. Following are few tips that one can follow for keeping ourselves engaged  more optimistically and spending quality time during self-quarantine thus maintaining our overall health and well-being:

  1. Following a daily schedule: This is the most important aspect of all. Following a schedule doesn’t only include completing a task in the specified time limit but it also means maintaining a daily routine for activities like waking up and going to bed on time, exercising, dressing up properly, etc.
  2. Socializing: Putting a check on our social life or social distancing during the current self quarantine does not mean that we lose connect with our near and dear ones and the society as a whole. This should be taken as an opportunity rather than a challenge for the health and well being of each one of us. Thus, in the present era, with the availability of ICT technologies, we should acquaint our selves towards a technology driven social connect instead of traditional way of socialization. Accordingly, we should stay in touch through video chats, social media networks or any other digital platforms.
  3. Hobbies: Self-quarantine give us a lot of “me time” so this is rather the best time to engage in our hobbies like cooking, playing instruments, listening to music, painting, reading or writing which might have taken a back seat due to time crunch. Those fond of writing can also maintain diaries to express their day to day experiences and feelings.
  4. Wellbeing apps: This is the best time to download wellbeing apps that help us develop a positive mindset and thought process through quotations, videos and audios on positive thinking and mindfulness.
  5. Yoga and meditation: To keep a sound mental and physical health one can also indulge into practices like yoga and meditation. Spiritual practices also help to achieve a calm and positive mindset.

This is the time when we all need to be strong and support each other. Creating a well being chart will help us go through this phase somewhat smoothly. Engaging constructively and eloquently during this self quarantine phase can become easier with the help of such self engagement activities and will help us in becoming and coming out as a better individuals.

CONCRETE: A Trending Material for Interior Décor


A Trending Material for Interior Décor

Concrete is the best way to add an industrial look into your home decor. The industrial look in the interior has made a hold for a while now, and it’s showing no marks of decelerating. While we aren’t all lucky enough to live in an old transformed warehouse full with genuine industrial elements, there are easy ways to give our homes that distinctly urban feel. So Designers have started to add on Concrete furniture, Concrete Accessories, Concrete Room Styling, Concrete Bathrooms, Concrete lights.  When people hear “concrete,” they often think it’s going to be extremely heavy, ugly stuff only fit to sit in parks and bus stops. But most people are now realizing modern concrete furniture can be just as elegant, nearly as light, and far more durable than other furniture materials. Starting with its incredible durability and aesthetics, Concrete has become a trending material in Urban home décor.

Functionality & Aesthetics

  • Concrete can hold heavyweight, resists scratches and scores, and is highly heat and cold resistant. It will never warp, though it may develop hairline cracks that are non-structural and often enhance the beauty of the piece. While corners and edges can damage, it generally happens when the table being dropped or some heavy object hits it.
  • Sealers make concrete very stain resistant. Spending a few minutes waxing the table every few months with beeswax or concrete floor wax (not automotive wax) will further protect the sealer and extend the stain resistance for decades, and the table can be resealed after many years if needed. The sealer we use is a penetrating densifier (water-based chemical solution), Sealer hardens the surface and makes the concrete less porous so liquid can’t easily penetrate the surface. Sealers change the chemistry of the concrete itself and do not affect the look of the concrete.

Image 1 

  • Can be refinished and repaired more easily than some materials. Chip offs can often be filled in and mostly or nearly completely repaired, with no experience with concrete required, just by grouting with matching cement (though it depends on what kinds of aggregates and cement used to get a complete match). Other materials like glass and acrylic can be very difficult to refinish at all.
  • Concrete furniture can easily go from indoor to outdoor without the need for a different sealer that changes the look of the concrete-like often is the case with wood. Since UV, heat, moisture, cold, and freeze-thaw cycles have little effect on our concrete, you don’t have to worry about bringing in the concrete in extreme weather.
  • Non-toxic and food safe. No or negligible amounts of VOCs (Volatile organic compounds) are emitted by concrete, concrete is not flammable.
  • It’s really not that heavy. In fact, hollow concrete can enable shapes and sizes of tables that would be extremely heavy if made of wood or steel, and stronger than tables made of lighter materials like plastic or ceramic. GFRC (glass fibre reinforced concrete) techniques give concrete a nice solid weight that’s not back-breaking but feels very durable.
  • Easy to keep clean with just soap and water.
  • Concrete can take almost any shape, colour, many different textures, and tons of different impressions. It’s arguably one of the most versatile materials for furniture and design in general, with its combination of strength and freedom of appearance. It can appear machine-finished and glossy, or handmade and textural.

Image 2

  • Concrete can have a more “natural/raw” look than many other surfaces, especially when aggregates are exposed or there are organic impressions. Concrete also arguably has a warmer feel, both on the eyes and hands, than steel, glass, or wrought iron, especially. Certain concrete colours can even compete with darker woods for warmness.


Every inch needs a focal point. Since concrete finishes is a visually substantial material, it gives a stack of visual weight to the room. This means it will directly draw the eye and powdered the space.

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VISUAL THINKING – For taking the first action on your design ideas


Imagination and Association

We are not linear thinkers. While our reading and writing is linear, but out thinking and assimilating the world around us is multi-dimensional – its full of ideas and images and is constantly evolving.
As designers, we all need to be able to put our thoughts down on paper. For every design exercise we gather a lot of information. Being able to put this knowledge on paper in a visual exercise frees the thinking and helps begin engaging in the design exercise and this is a continuous process.
If we look at the research material on great thinkers and philosophers such as Leonardo da Vinci, Pablo Picasso, Thomas Edison, Charles Darwin, they all use a combination of images, words, and diagrams to record and explore their ideas.


Diagrams Graphically Construct our Knowledge

Diagramming can become an essential tool for working in a team. It enhances creativity and problem solving, gives value to our ideas, and organizes thoughts. It frees the mind and helps us excel at what we do, by enabling us to better structure our thoughts, and to express our ideas more clearly. The evolving diagram becomes a vehicle to take us from our unresolved state to a more organized state. In the process we learn to analyze the information that we collect and represent it for discussion in a clear structured manner.

Diagrams are a visual thinking tool that helps us put our thoughts down with color, words, lines and rhythm. Whatever we need to think about more effectively and exercise our imagination. They help us to organise our thoughts. Its an image with network of associations.
Visual diagrams help in problem solving, creativity, management and scheduling. Once having put these thoughts down in a diagrammatic manner, it helps to be structured and confident in sharing, developing and creating concepts. It allows continuity and development in your work.



Tools for Diagramming

Use all the tricks and of the trades that a graphic designer would use for creating an advertisement: Lines, images, visual metaphors, colours to convey ideas. Remember that it is not a drawing exercise but rather an effort to convey ideas, and, importantly, to stay focused on the message:
• Free-form, as well as geometrical figures to segregate your thoughts
• Linear graphics to make connections within the thoughts.
• Colour provides intensity and focus for visual retention
• Various Fonts and sizes of the letters
• Words and short-hand notations to clarify our ideas
• Thinks of images to reflect our ideas
• Construct associations to enrich this visual diagram
In short, diagramming allow us to better convey our ideas. Seeing everything interrelated in one place gives a comprehensive picture.



Some tips for effective diagramming:

• Begin small
• Make sure there is a theme or a concept
• Don’t make it too neat, allow flexibility to develop/grow
• Categorize and isolate ideas
• Make connections between these thoughts and ideas
• Use visual metaphors
• Sequential content for timeline development

Does Financial Literacy help in developing “Financially Smart Individuals”?

Making informed financial decisions is the key to effective financial planning. Every individual is required to deal with many financial decisions daily. Easy availability of a wide range of complex financial products in the market has led to a situation of “Paradox of Choice”, Killins, R. N. (2017) for the Individuals. It is thus imperative for individuals to be financially literate. To be equipped to make decisions, people must have an understanding of the basic financial concepts. Lack of such understanding may result in unproductive decisions. Financial choices relating to investments, savings, borrowings, retirement planning, estate planning, etc are effective and more productive if made by financially literate people.

What does Financial Literacy mean?

Financial literacy is achieved when an individual has access to the information about the various products and services available in the market; the information is achieved through an authentic source; the individual can comprehend that information in a way which results in informed financial decisions, thereby leading to financial betterment and well-being. 

According to OECD INFE, financial literacy has been defined as “A combination of awareness, knowledge, skill, attitude, and behavior necessary to make sound financial decisions and ultimately achieve individual financial wellbeing.”

The U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) has defined financial literacy as “the ability to make informed judgments and to take effective actions regarding the current and future use and management of money. It includes the ability to understand financial choices, plan for the future, spend wisely, and manage the challenges associated with life events such as a job loss, saving for retirement, or paying for a child‟s education.” 

Basic understanding of the various financial products and services and the applicable framework of risk-reward forms the broad base for achieving financial literacy. Individuals must, therefore, appraise the key determinants of financial literacy and how they impact our daily lives. This can be the only way to wiser financial planning and welfare maximization, both- at the individual level and for the society as a whole. 

What are the key determinants of financial literacy?

The ability of individuals to control their Financials, how well they make their ends meet and their approach towards choosing appropriate products reflects an individual’s money management skills. An Individual’s level of financial planning, however, depends on the provision for Savings, knowledge about investments and attitude towards financial planning. Whereas financial knowledge of an individual can be assessed based on their understanding of key concepts such as inflation and compounding; and their knowledge about the concept of diversification. Thus, money management, Financial Planning, Financial Knowledge and Understanding are the key determinants of Financial Literacy levels. OECD INFE (2011), S&P FINLIT (2014).



As per a Global Fin Lit survey by Standard & Poor‟s Financial Services LLC (S&P) only 24% of adults or less are financially literate in India, S&P Fin Lit Survey (2014). Among the group of emerging economies, India stands at the lowest level in terms of financial literacy. This proves that financial literacy is yet to be given priority by Indian citizens. Being in a situation where 76% of its adult population in India does not understand even the basic financial concepts, the need of the hour is to refurbish the savings and investments approach of the Indian Households and develop financially smart individuals.

Killins, R. N. (2017). The financial literacy of Generation Y and the influence that personality traits have on financial knowledge: Evidence from Canada. Financial Services Review, 26(2), 143-165.

Covid-19 –Political Obligation & Government Compulsion

The current state of epidemic not only urges the government to take harsh measures but also the people to cooperate with it for their own survival. Letting go of their right of self-preservation the people need to understand that the measures are for their own good.

 Hobbes had once stated “Out of it, any man may rightly spoil or kill each other, in it none but one. Out of it we are protected by our own forces, in it by the power of all. Out of it no man is sure of the fruits of his labor, in it all men are. Lastly out of it, there is a domination of passions, war, fear, poverty, slovenliness, solitude, barbarism, ignorance, and cruelty, in it, the domination of reason, peace, security, riches, decency, society, elegance, sciences and benevolence”. This is a situation which seems to persist in India and around the world currently. When the people are anxious and cautious at the same time. When the citizens are looking towards the sovereign for the answers to their questions and support for their well-being. There is peace and havoc; there is ignorance and awareness that simultaneously persists.

Here the measures of a complete lock-down by the Indian Government at the early stages has been up lauded across the world. Yet the Indian populace even in this state seems to be defying the government orders as a part of their leisure routine not understanding the severity of the situation. The recent incident of the conglomeration of crowds at bus stations is sheer ignorance on their part against the world wide pandemic.

The government of India needs to be praised that they have been working on meeting up with all the flaws in the scenario and bringing in satisfactory measures in the social, economic and health scenario. It is now up to the people of India to understand the severity of the situation and heed to their obligation towards the state which is abiding by the dictates of the state.