Good mental health and wellbeing mean different things to different people. Each one of us has to pave their way to a life that is relevant, consequential, and rewarding. COVID’19 has taken the world by storm in the last 3 months. These are unprecedented times and the most common emotion that all of us are experiencing fear followed by anxiety, and these could make people behave in a manner, which are otherwise inappropriate.

The next challenge was facing a complete lockdown. This was of course done to safeguard people and stop the spread of infection. Staying at home for some time may be relaxing but for prolonged periods it may become taxing and frustrating for many. However, such situations have become the norm today and people need to understand the importance of confinement and maintain good mental, physical, social health and wellbeing.

Despite the strict measures of confinement, some people got infected with the coronavirus. We need to understand that people infected with coronavirus have to be handled with care, empathy and kindness. This condition should not be stigmatized to the extent of isolation and rejection by the family, friends and society. The people who have recovered from the coronavirus will go on to lead a normal life with their families and also continue to do their jobs. Hence, linking the people with their former medical condition will only stigmatize people more strongly.

This disorder has instilled a lot of long-lasting fear anxiety and distress in the individual and society. To minimize this impact, it is advised not to read and listen to constant news and progress of the disease. Additionally, developing a positive attitude with a spirit to overcome stressful times is important.  Protecting oneself first to protect others is the first foot forward and being actively involved and giving assistance to others who are needing it will benefit both; the people receiving help and those who are helping.

When it comes to children, they need special care and attention. Positive ways of expressing their fear and sadness can be through creative activity such as dance and drawing which is a safe and familiar platform for expression and hence catharsis through this can alleviate their anxiety.

Therefore, well-being is necessary for a  holistic healthy existence. The three areas that are covered under this are Mental, Physical and Social Well Being.


  • Mindfulness – The surroundings are constantly flooded with constant stimuli, both positive and negative. For people to keep positive and healthy a need to Practice Mindfulness, which asks people to be aware of all that is going on in and around them but bring all the attention to the “present and to now”. One can learn to live for the moment one is in and be aware of each passing thought and feeling. Studies show that mindfulness helps people in coping with traumatic events and emotional states that lead to reducing anxiety and stress.
  • Breathing – When tense and anxious take a deep breath to relax. In the present times all are all familiar with Pranayam, also referred to as Mindful Breathing, which helps to regulate emotions and manage stress and, in the process, mentally separate self from negativity.
  • Meditation promotes reducing negative emotions through relaxation and helps deal with stress, build mental and emotional resilience, thus leading towards relaxation and a positive mindset.


  • Routine – During this period of confinement to the house setting, following a routine is very important for well-being. It is important to prioritize work and set designated slots for tasks that need to be completed.
  • Set up a workstation – It helps to set-up a workstation for yourself. It gives a feeling of going to work and separates home and work life. Moving around for a minute every hour while working to keep the body system active for good physical health and better focus on work and productivity can be achieved. Scheduling time outside of work with family and friends regularly helps to avoid emotional inertia and loneliness which is needed for physical well-being.
  • Regular meals and exercise patterns – A healthy diet and exercise are important for good mental health as the mind and body are intrinsically related. Hence, during confinement, the regularity of meal and exercise/yoga patterns are important for a healthy physical and mental balance.
  • Sleep – A regular sleep pattern is important to maintain as sleep is a very important aspect of physical and mental wellness. During this confined period, one tends to lose the sense of time and can forget that one has to follow a regularity for sleep also. Studies have proved that sleep irregularity can contribute to the malfunction of the brain and body and also leads to physical and mental illnesses. A good sleep of 8 hours can lead to improved mental and physical health during confinement.
  • Hobby – This is also a perfect time to try out a new hobby, which one wanted to take up but could not due to pressing times. This will give a sense of mental freedom and growth and hence physical confinement will not feel so oppressive; stress anxiety and depression will reduce; cognition and creativity will improve immensely.


To be positive in such times of confinement one has to shed the feeling of helplessness and adopt an optimistic approach. This can move people towards contributing to society with a helping hand creating a sense of purpose. It further enhances self-worth which gives a good mental and physical health. Acts of kindness increase happiness positivity and reduce negativity.

Sharing positive news articles and items to help spread positivity and also be sensitive to children and elders and how they should be explained the situation in an age-appropriate manner is very important for emotional security and well-being. Volunteering to be part of community drives for giving a helping hand, imparting information, tele counselling or guidance through various social media which will serve as a respite for many, gives a sense of being part of the community and the feeling of isolation and depression can be countered.

Connected with Family and Friends

Virtual connectivity is the new normal since people cannot physically meet and socialize. The socialization process is as important as our basic needs for survival and lack of it can make people go into depression and loneliness which will further lead to poor mental and physical health. So, staying connected virtually with family and friends is imperative for overall well-being using all modes of communication. Speaking and listening is a double-bind relationship which helps both. Reducing screen time is also recommended as too much screen time can lead to too much information on the same issue and leave you with emotions of fear and anxiety.


To sum up, people should try to maintain a routine which can include all family and work demands with special attention to children and the elderly. During confinement, some emotions in family members become exaggerated e.g. anxiety, anger, stress, agitation and fear. Practical and emotional support needs to be provided through informal and health professionals. Any underlying health conditions need to be constantly addressed with access to medication and active socialization and connectivity for any assistance when needed physically and emotionally is very reassuring. Simple exercises, regular sleep, healthy diet, need to be regularly maintained for good physical and mental health during confinement as is proven through research.

As a community people will follow new practices and extend support in such times of confinement and new relationships and bonding will emerge from this experience with the learning of how to develop a healthy lifestyle and feeling of well-being.

Please contact us at for free counseling by our reputed Psychologists.

Anxiety in the times of COVID 19 pandemic: Surrender, Accept, Trust, and take the right Action

I don’t measure a man’s success by how he climbs but how high he bounces when he hits the bottom”.

                                       (George S. Patton)

Anxious and worried !!! are the common symptoms in the times of COVID’19.

Fear of an uncertain future and a sense of not being in control is prevalent across nations. Most religious institutions remain closed to the public, with no option for people to turn to the traditional means of solace in prayer, perhaps people are even losing faith in the religious zones of comfort to some extent. Not surprisingly, people are turning to science for rescue from the grip of this virus but despite all ongoing efforts, scientists all over the world have little to offer. They are focused more on the preventive measures to stay out of the grip of this virus as it is going to take quite some time to develop a vaccine for this unique virus, which probably is evolving and adapting itself to the weather of different countries and continents.

The future is uncertain and unpredictable, scientists are suggesting that we may have to learn to live with it and need to make many changes in our habits and ways of life. We need to live accordingly maybe for many more years to come, maybe even permanently.

So now the question that arises is, how do we deal with the anxiety in these stressful times while maintaining the quality and pace of life?

We always need to invent answers to the new questions that life comes up with. The Sanskrit word for “human” is “Manushya” which means “a being with the mind”. The mind is the most important aspect of the existence of “Manushya”. Understanding of any phenomena takes place at the level of mind. This whole meaning-making process is going to determine how you are going to feel and emotionally react to a phenomenon. Therefore, the process of meaning-making is going to make a great difference in the psychological experience of any situation, event, or incident as a whole. Without any gap in this simple equation about the degree of experience for COVID anxiety, logically and mathematically depends on our meaning-making process regarding events and incidents happening around us. In this situation, one cannot be blind optimistic, as the future is uncertain; realistic optimism is the only relevant requirement here. So, in the present scenario, it is the most appropriate question for each one of us to answer, how to maintain and restore mental peace and holistic wellbeing in the times of COVID 19?

Maintaining sound mental health and wellbeing is important, as it will surely affect our physical health, immune system, and our likelihood to deal with the situation in an adaptive manner.  The ones who adapt will survive and the ones who cannot vanish.

How to maintain and restore mental peace in the times of COVID 19?

 Gaining psychological strength through surrender and acceptance

  • We have to accept what we are going through, and we have to be adaptive to this new challenge ahead of us. Cognitive restructuring is important at this point. We must go with the flow of life with a greater level of surrender, acceptance, and trust at the same time being in the mode of performing the right action to deal with this situation.
  • Practising meditation and mindfulness can increase our capability of acceptance, resulting in a greater level of mental calm and peace.

“Surrender is the simple and profound wisdom of yielding to rather than opposing the flow of life” (Eckhart Tole)

Being realistic and taking the right action

  • In the present situation, this approach is extremely valuable and relevant. Right after surrender and acceptance of the situation, we must be realistic and trust our ability to take the right action. This can bring a lot of clarity and strength to move on the path of becoming a victor and not a victim as the human race overall. Rightly said by Toni Morrison “If you surrender to the wind. You can ride it” We need to understand the nature of the problem and use this understanding wisely to ride it.
  • We need to understand the new norms of social distancing, personal hygiene, and important guidelines to move and function in public spaces.
  • We need to keep ourselves physically and mentally healthy by proper exercise, the right nutrition, and the right attitude.

Nurturing determination, vision and resilience

The path ahead of us may not be easy but we have to walk on it with determination and a vision for future because ultimately resilience is going to be the only quality, which can help us survive, thrive, and flourish for sure.

Here I would like to share one of my dream reflecting my sense of emergency, worry, and anxiety for the future, which is so unpredictable as far as the wellbeing of the whole humanity concerned. Dreams reflect our inner states mental equilibrium and compositions in the realm of our psyche. Being a psychologist, I have had an opportunity to look into the dreams of many of my clients in the process of helping and guiding them to a better understanding of their psyche and to achieve a better sense of control leading a more meaningful life. Sometimes dreams give us insights and guidance contributing to new understandings into our waking lives too. This one dream made me smile with a sense of insight into the future to be achieved, carrying a profound meaning.

I saw a train bogie crowded with people on an Indian railway station. There are noise, heat, and chaos. One old couple is sitting there. Somebody asked the old man, where are you going? The old man replied, “How it really matters where we want to go? We will be surely going where our youth will take us”.

I saw somebody cleaning a lot of settled dust from the floor of the bogie and many young people sitting there busy and preoccupied discussing their petty matters in a group.

I woke with the image of that scene in the morning and realized how it is important to let our youth find a sense of direction and meaning in the current situation because the future of the nation and the whole world dwellings is in the hands and senses of the wisdom of our youth for sure. The whole world will be moving in the direction where they will take us.

Many institutions have been building capacities to shape, nurture and build the mind’s thought process in a positive direction. At IILM we have “Centre of Emotional Intelligence” which is a step forward towards the same. Here students come with their stress-related issues and the psychologist renders them help for holistic well-being. The centre even does outreach programmes for society during this time of mental and physical crisis.

 Importance of Education Sector in Shaping the Future

Education is one especially important sector, which carries the responsibility to shape and prepare these young and potent minds for the future. Therefore, a huge responsibility sets there for this sector to be carried out. How teaching and learning will take place? How things will move positively for the maximum benefit of our youth? Answers to these questions will define how nation-building will take place and where the world will move from here. I believe the answer rests there “we need to surrender, accept trust and take the right action”. Nurturing determination, vision and resilience are surely going to be the key factors to survive, thrive, and flourish in a brighter future of hopes

To connect on knowing more about anxiety management, relaxation techniques and mindfulness write to me on

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Is print media losing its sheen as digital media leapfrogs ?

“The media is the most powerful entity on earth. They have the power to make the innocent guilty and to make the guilty innocent, and that’s power. Because they control the minds of the masses” ~ Malcolm X.

Media has been ruling since time immemorial. Mass media refers to various platforms, which can be used to communicate and interact with a large number of audiences in different languages. The frontrunners being print and digital. 

Early print and digital

Print media is known from the days of Julius Cesar when Acta Diurna, came into being.It has been dominating the media and communication industry with newspapers, magazines, booklets and brochures, house magazines, periodicals or newsletters, direct mailers, handbills or flyers, billboards, press releases, and books. However, change is the only constant and with digital slowly building up a solid userbase over the years a question mark on the sustainability of print arose.

We all know that digital media is created, modified and distributed on digital electronic devices. For many of us, it may be difficult to believe, but in 1986, only 34 years back, we had as little as 1 percent of total media storage capacity in digital form.  This number rose to 94 percent in 2007, which best illustrates the speed at which digitalization came about. In a relatively short period, the Internet has had a remarkable influence on almost every facet of our lives. This evolution of media and communication has not just evolved more with each passing day but has also revolutionized the way individuals and businesses operate.


The debate and trends

The biggest advantage that print has over digital is its credibility. Print media is more trustworthy because once the news is published, it cannot be deleted or even modified. For most of us, the day begins and ends with screens. The print is a soft breeze that comes by to give us a digital detox time. When we read newspapers, there are no distractions from numerous clickable advertisements and pop-ups, that makes the consumption and comprehension of the news more deep-down.

In a country like ours, many areas have limited or no access to the internet. For them, print media is a blessing in disguise. However, when the debate continues to the statistics of literacy rate, digital scores a point, since radio and television do not require literacy and readability skills.

Current trends show that most newspapers and magazines are turning to their digital version and several online news websites are bringing their print versions. This is quite a mix bag of ways to reach more consumers and to establish credibility. However, in this fast-paced world and extreme paucity of time a  two-way communication that digital media offers make news and information interactive, engaging, and interesting. With a faster turnaround time and instant updates digital keeps us more streamlined.  This makes it easy to spread important news among the public.

However, as anyone can easily generate content for digital media, fake news is on the rise. As a result, unless they are famous and have a good name, digital media platforms are not being trusted by the public. In this regard, print media win hands down.


Who stays longer?

Yes! News is now being consumed in little digital packets. While digital boasts of a solid userbase today, print media has also witnessed healthy growth in terms of readership. Both have their pros and cons and will see robust growth in the coming years with their respective consumers. In fact, with increasing literacy rates, print is acquiring more users. The print is not losing its sheen, but it will have to diversify, experiment and explore more opportunities to remain in the rat race. So, we can say that print and digital media are co-existing quite happily for now. It’s for undercurrents to decide who sustains in the long run.

Journalism, media and communication programme at IILMU

We at IILM University understand the current trends, we know this is one of the most dynamic and imposing industry and therefore, the 3-year bachelor’s degree in journalism, media and communication offers the most intensive and innovative curriculum blended with a progressive pedagogy. From a range of core and electives, the student learns all about various media and communication platforms such a print, digital, broadcast, advertising, public relations, corporate communication, photography and many more. We teach journalism, media, communication not only as an industry but as part of society as well.





Skills Required in the Digital Age

Skills Required in the Digital Age

 The digital world is progressively penetrating the learning and skills domain. Technology is being widely used to provide learning, knowledge, and skills in novel and innovative ways. With the increased usage of rapidly changing digital technologies and knowhow in the workplace, there is an advent of new skills that are required to contribute to our digitally allied society. Currently jobseekers need specialized skills that will give them visibility in the crowd.

It is a persistent endeavor of the best universities and B Schools to meet this rising demand for digital know-how and other significant skills required. On 2 May 2020, Prime Minister Narender Modi in a meeting emphasized the use of technology and digital age skills in the education sector to enhance the experience of learning. Working on his belief and idea, IILM offers the key skills vital in a digital age embedded in its portfolio to meet students’ and industry needs.

Knowledge includes two intensely interweaved yet diverse components – content and skills. Content comprises ideas, facts, evidence principles, and explanations of processes or techniques. Instructors at IILM are well proficient in content and ensure a profound knowledge of the subjects in the areas they are teaching. Proficiency in skills development is another significant domain. Trainers help students develop these skills keeping in consideration that these intellectual skills match the requirements of industry, knowledge-based personnel. Therefore, at IILM adequate emphasis is given to skills development within the course curriculum. The skills needed in a digital age comprise the following:

Communication Skills:

Along with the customary communication skills of reading, writing, and speaking articulately and clearly, spoken business communication skills are ever more important. Spoken business communication is at the core of specialized business management and thus, at IILM, it is contained within the curriculum. It is contributory to achieving positive results, as it allows numerous ways to send a message to others. It comprises understanding and training of employability skills relevant to the industry and students, the capability to put forth via the internet to a wide-ranging community of individuals with one’s ideas, to share information correctly, to receive and integrate feedback, and to recognize trends. Business communication is prevalent, and all processes are channelized through communication, via a consistent flow of information.

Social Media:

Using social media communication is an indispensable skill for a digital age. Social media marketing goes further than a Facebook or Instagram update or posting a tweet; it is about understanding the vigorous relationship amongst influencers, consumers, and brands. Educators, who are familiar with social media’s influence, also understand the complexities of each platform and its possible influence to make the most of community engagement to provide students with valued and relevant skills.

Data Analytics:  

Analytics predominantly let students take educated, informed, and data-driven decisions in their life choices and roles. Numbers state whether a campaign was effective and by what proportion. The fundamental to analytics is finding out what data to collect and how to measure to have a more effective next campaign. Hence, at IILM, data analytics as a complete course is embedded in the curriculum to make student’s industry-ready.

Thinking Skills: 

Of all the skills required to be effective in a digital economy; problem-solving, critical thinking, creativity, originality are some of the most significant. Businesses focus on the creation of new products, new processes, and new services to maintain low costs and upsurge competitiveness. Though universities in specific have always gratified themselves in teaching such knowledgeable skills and information transmission, yet it challenges this conjecture particularly at the undergraduate level. It is not only in the upper management positions that these skills are vital, people in specific trade profiles increasingly ought to be problem solvers rather than ensuing standard processes, which tend to turn into automated.

Knowledge Management:

This is another important skill. Knowledge is no doubt one of the organization’s utmost valuable assets and is swiftly changing with fresh research, new developments, innovation, and rapid dissemination of thoughts, ideas, and practices on the internet. In tandem sources of information are growing, along with a lot of inconsistency in the reliability or validity of the information. The main skill in a knowledge-based era is knowledge management that defines how to find, collect, evaluate, examine, apply, and disseminate data, within a specific context. The ability and skill to access the right knowledge at the right time, through a strong knowledge management system, appraises accurate decision-making, and encourages collaboration and innovation. Knowledge management platforms are planned with best in class features as to capture the information needed, validate and organize and make it convenient to retrieve and share. Thus, it becomes the most in-demand skill that graduates will always need to employ even long after graduation throughout their life.

Strategy and Planning

Companies that set in strategic planning in their decision making and marketing outline are most likely to achieve measurable results and succeed in the long-term. Rather than planning and designing on an ad-hoc basis, executives and digital marketers must create and implement campaigns and drives based on analytics and quantifiable data. It is also imperious that they examine past campaigns and choose which metric is giving better results. To put things in view, strategy and planning is an important skills gap in organizations. And so, IILM develops skills in strategic planning and executing a digital strategy, graduates pursuing new roles certainly have an edge over their peers with slight or no knowledge.

Teamwork and Adaptability

The significance of teamwork is not only limited to the workplace but in every sphere of life. Teamwork and adaptability are vital to managing the everyday changing environment. In specific, knowledge personnel ought to know how to work in accord and collaboratively, virtually and at a distant space, with coworkers, clients, and associates. The sharing of collective knowledge, problem-solving, execution, and efficient implementation need good teamwork and adaptability for accomplishing tasks or solving problems that may be outside the purview of a thin job definition but indispensable for success.

Ethics and Responsibility:

This is a set of standards or codes of conduct, professional ethics comprises relationships with and responsibilities towards clients, employees, coworkers, vendors, suppliers, all stakeholders. This is essential to build faith and trust, most significant in informal social networks, however, because normally it is upright and great businesses worldwide where there are diverse players, and a higher degree of reliance and confidence in others are required to realize one’s own goals.

The crucial point here is that content and skills are firmly related and hence at IILM, much consideration is given to content acquisition as well as skills development embedded in the course itself to ensure that learners graduate with the required knowledge and skills to be effective in a digital age.

Dr. Rachna Madaan
Assistant Professor, IILM University
Gurugram, Haryana.

Zero Waste in Fashion Design

Keywords: Sustainability. Zero waste patterns, zero waste, Pattern making 

Limited resources and climbing cost have been the seeding ground for concepts that are new to our 21st century. Concepts like sustainable development, circular economy and ethical businesses have been focus of discussions for the past two to three decades. When applied for fashion design industry we are talking of how to save the resources in terms of limiting yarn and fabric wastage in current manufacturing process. The extent and amount of wastage is alarming in our factories and fabric wasted and discarded in cutting process is a matter of concern. It is a concern not only because it ends up in landfills, but also the fact that fabric is one of the main costing head of any garment. If we can save on fabric in Cutting Room of manufacturing unit it is a win-win situation for both maker and user.

It is estimated that as much as 15 percent of the fabric is wasted in any cutting plan. However, this was not so a few centuries ago. History is the evidence that limited resources were kept in mind while designing and making garments in any culture. Japanese Kimono dress is cut from rectangular shapes of Patterns which leads to zero wastage. Our traditional Indian garments like panelled skirt (Lehanga) and tunics for men and women (Kalidar Kurta) are some of the best examples of how not to waste fabrics in pattern cutting process. These garments were comfortable, gave interesting silhouettes and didn’t give up on the fitting aspects to the wearer. The saree is an excellent example of zero wastage in fabric – the saree is usable as soon as it comes off the loom, and you don’t need to cut or sew this classic costume of India. The versatile nature of this costume show possibility of a rectangular six yards of fabric draped in several styles on a woman’s body. Similarly, ancient costumes of Roman and Greeks were rectangles or circles that were draped around the body without much of cutting and stitching involved. People respected and took care that fabric which was made with so much of hard labour on hand operated looms, is put to the best usage.

fashion design

Greek “chiton” for men and women were draped rectangular piece of fabric

fashion design

Different Saree drapes

What can we learn from history of clothing? The zero waste concept was first coined in start of 21st C by Warren Snow in New Zealand in year 2000. Soon the concept caught on with US government programs for recycling at grass root level. Soon it caught on with Australia, Europe and Asia as well. In 2003 in Wales, Zero Waste International Alliance was discussed and formed with the mission to divert minimum 90 percent of waste from landfills and incinerators.

In Fashion Industry, Zero Waste clothing refers to little or no waste of fabric in their production. Before the garment reaches the consumer, we have to plan, design and manufacture garments in such a way that least of fabric and other resources are wasted. Patterns are the bridge between the fashion sketch and final garments. Hence, a Pattern maker is an import link in sustainable fashion chain. The usual process of Design as taught and practiced in design schools and industry is to sketch the idea of design from a trend and mood board, then the sketch goes to pattern master who makes the patterns of that style and cutting takes place as per the required design. However, once we flip the concept of making garment from design first to plan No-wastage first, we will notice that pattern planning comes as an important starting point. The fabric type and width is an important aspect and it has to be first considered as a deciding factor rather than final silhouette. The process becomes more logical than inspirational, as we usually are flexible in making our designs more in tune with our goal of not wasting any fabric. Another idea that is catching on is to recycle the strips of old garments or surplus fabric pieces into strips which are then again woven, crocheted or inter-laced into new garments.

Many designers use the draping technique to arrive at garment designs than sketching to start with. In this technique, you drape a piece or pieces of fabric on the dress form to make 3 dimensional garments straight on a dummy. The approach is open ended and gives room for experimental drapes and unusual functional details. Another approach is to weave that much panel of patterns that is required – Direct panel on Loom, it is something like whole garment system where yarn is fed into the machine and out comes the garment – No fabric is produced and yarns make directly the shapes of panels or patterns required for the garment. These techniques are expensive and not many can afford its cost.

Some famous designers who have worked with zero waste in their design approach are – Zandra Rhodes, Julian Roberts, Holly McQuillan, and Siddharth Upadhdhya for his Direct Panel on Loom approach.
Zandra Rhodes was one of the pioneers in the zero waste concept in the British fashion scene. Her simple, geometrical cuts are famous with celebrities. Julian Robert is an exponent of zero waste throughout the process of design, Cut and make through his inventive method of pattern cutting called “Subtraction Method”. He starts with less of planning and more of creative risk, cutting the fabric, manipulating on dummy and sewing in unusual ways. Here, in his own words –“Design comes last, not the first” and one enjoys the accidental innovations in the process.

It (Design) is discovered by chance at the end of the prototyping process, not at the beginning where it would be a limitation or precondition. So to me ‘designing’ is making, it’s not making a pretty picture and then passing it on for more skilful hands to realise and bring it to life” – J. Roberts in an interview on January 30, 2019.

YouTube video

Holly McQuillan wrote the first book on this concept in 2016- Zero Waste Fashion Design, whereby she expresses her concern that problem is bigger than we think. A prominent personality in Sustainable fashion, she continues to research and teach the same to her students at Massey University, NZ.

fashion design

Julian Roberts draped dress using Subtraction Method

Many young designers are adopting this concept in their brands. One of the interesting one is Dr. Mark Liu who applied mathematical equations to make patterns in such a way to save onto a lot of fabric being wasted. Karen Glass is another one to be inspired from. She hunts scraps from various factories and joins these pieces in an artistic way to make forever fashionable ensembles. Daniel Silverstone is working on same lines – to join pieces that are discarded into new patterns that make it look artistic and one of a kind.


fashion design

Denim pieces patchwork by Daniel Silverstone

The functional need gives rise to design intervention. The function remains top priority. The less is wasted, the more is saved of every resource – labour, money invested, materials, ideas; and, most importantly, there is always so much already produced in society, can we not reuse that itself?

Circular economy as a concept can be a reality for every business. Given the risks in supply chain and system becoming too complex, we need simpler strategies to solve issues. We should not be making new solutions to solve a problem that existed due to a failed solution. That is a never-ending game, and we can see the repercussion of over-dependence on systems now. Basically, we should stop passing bucks – “my waste is government’s responsibility, Or, what consumers do with their clothing is not my concern”, etc. etc. The time has come to take responsibilities and contribute for everyone’s well being rather than being self centered as a business strategy. And, clever planning to reduce waste of fabric is one small step for a big issue facing our garment industry today. 

Website References:


Family Business: The Need for Alignment in Times of Uncertainty

The Corona Virus pandemic has put more than half of the world under the lockdown with practically very limited economic activity. The economic growth rate has slumped into negative and unemployment rate has soared high.

In this uncertain situation, businesses need to adapt and change. Family businesses face bigger challenges for survival. In this context, IILM invited Dr Stephanie Brun de Pontet, principal consultant, Family Business Consulting Group to give insights into challenges that family businesses face in this scenario. Dr Stephanie titled her talk “Building AirplaneWhile Flying it”- the need for alignment in the times of uncertainty.


Provide Stability and Innovation

Dr Stephanie started with pointing out the way people are feeling intense disorientation because global corona pandemic. The life as we know has been disrupted. This has changed many things in the world while lot of things have remained same. There is sense of grief in this loss. In this scenario when it is difficult to predict the future, it remains quite a challenge for businesses to plan and look ahead. Quoting from Charles Darwin who had said “It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent ones but the most responsive to change”, Dr Stephanie went on to emphasise the need to provide both stability and innovation for family business . Family businesses have strengths as they look at business long term and also they have long term connection with employees, suppliers and customers.

Adapt and Reinvent

The intensity of disruption is quite massive and there is sudden loss of control of everyday life and business. In this scenario of crisis when the future is not clear, there is a need for definitive planning to protect people, and also viable part of business, to adapt and to reinvent the business. There is also a need to try out new things and innovate. Innovation is the least risky option now.

Alignment with Values and Core Purpose

Family businesses need to get aligned to values and purpose. The values and purpose give direction and also meaning to business which everyone shares. Clear values and purpose are great force if acted properly. It makes things simpler for employees, associates.

Family businesses need to look at the core values to protect the business in these uncertain times. Core values are the handful of guiding principles by which a company navigates. Giving an example of Disney’s core values of imagination and wholesomeness that stem from the founder’s belief that these should be nurtured for their own sake, not merely to capitalise on a business opportunity. Instead of changing its core values a great company will change its markets, seek out different customers to remain true to its core values.

Core purpose is an organisation’s most fundamental reason for being. It should not be confused with the company’s current product lines or customer segments. Disney’s core purpose is to make people happy – not build theme parks and make cartoons. Theme parks or cartoons or any other product will flow from the core purpose.

Struggle between Tradition and Innovation

Family businesses normally struggle with the choice of honouring tradition and pioneering change by bringing innovation. A good leadership always find a balance between the two. Few companies manage to do both – they are more stable, and they are more innovative.

Building-Airplane-While-Flying-it_3Giving example of a company and how it has adapted its business in the current corona crisis by reinventing itself she spoke about J W Lopes, a 4th generation family owned suppliers of produce and dairy to restaurants and institutions. It has changed its business model shifting from institutions to residential distribution by configuring the new way of distribution channel. The company has rightly assumed that people are spending more time trying out new dishes at home and that they would like to have new fresh produce and dairy products. New ideas and experimentation are needed to survive and thrive in the new normal.

Rise of the Younger Leadership

Dr Stephaniebeautifully combined the new ideas and experimentation of rising generation with the experience of the leading generation. The future is going to be different. New ways of thinking and working are needed.
The leadership in this crisis is needed from both the young generation,and leading and older generation. The leaders are expected to do certain things to tide over this massive disruption and crisis. They are expected to figure out the situation and protect and support the team. Leaders also need to provide clarity and guidance and to bring wisdom and perspective. Leadership is also about sharing sacrifices. Dr Stephanie emphasised the action needed from leaders from younger generation. Leaders from younger generation need to gain different perspective on options and future. They need to share ideas on new technology and markets. They are expected to show solidarity and commitment of the family.

Honest and Transparent communication

The webinar was followed by a lively and robust question answer session where Dr Stephanie emphasised the need for honest and transparent communication during the period of crisis. She also went into great detail in bringing professionals in family business and keeping family members in the Board and the Management.At the end it is all about emotional resilience to bring change and adapt and survive.

The webinar organised by IILM that offers several courses on Family Business and Strategy as well as Management, was well received by the listeners. It gave insight into how family businesses need to tide over this current crisis that was informative for the students and faculty members of IILM as well as the for the guests who attended the webinar.

Watch on Youtube:

Professor Rahul Mishra


“Mirror is a reflection of our faces and Art of our Souls”

Art has the ability to change and transform lives, in profound ways. When words fail, we turn to images and symbols to narrate our stories. Through art we can reach out to people with our stories and find a path towards transformation and healing.

As they say there is a lot between the heaven and earth than just dreams. Art therapy has a therapeutic way of rooting the idea of creative expression that fosters healing our soul and leading us towards mental well-being. For years art has been a very communicative way to express our feelings. When we were young we would instinctively use painting, drawing, sketching to communicate and express our emotions, but as we grow, and maturity hits us we often forget the beautiful impact art had on our lives.

Through Art Therapy patients are provided with a safe place where they can explore not very pleasant feelings like fear, anger, aggression, unfulfilled expectations. Feelings that they would otherwise avoid to talk about. Rightly said “Art speaks where words end.”  The field of Art and artistic people has always intrigued me. It feels like artistic people see life through a very different lens. They have immense waves of creativity within and so they life seems so sorted and calm. I wonder how various forms of art give them so much of peace. I guess the only reason why their life is so peaceful is that it’s not humans, but a form of art that is communicated as a Peacemaker and Healer adding the Art Therapy to experience the solace within.

Going back to Ancient history, art has been one of the oldest ways to communicate through wall carvings, sculptures, and paintings right from the Indus valley civilization. It is seen that when a person is unable to speak about his pain, they resort to expressing their feelings through Art.

Healing is totally an internal process which has a lot to do with a sense of positivity and inner strength. Ask an artist and they will enlighten you about the therapeutic impact Art has on them. Art Therapy is a type of expressive therapy that enhances a person’s emotional, mental, physical and spiritual well-being through the process of creativity. By art we mean everything that stirs our consciousness and inner strength to challenge our mind. This is the process where artistic expression helps lots of people to develop positive feelings, solve problems, change attitudes, boost their self-concept and be more content with themselves.

Art is like a life saving jacket in a world that’s growing crazy. Art keeps you grounded in your roots. It has a meditative impact to develop patience in life. We have to make a choice today either “let Art enter your world or you enter into the World of Art.” Choice is yours to discover the artist in you.

Remember friends Art is not a skill, but an expression and it really does not matter if you think you cannot draw or create. It’s an outlook towards life, which can be seen in the form of a new hobby, learning music, anything that keeps you occupied and for which you feel the desire to create time and it’s  so becoming a part of your life in spite of the busy schedules you have as it heals you from all the stress that you’ve been carrying  as a baggage of life.

It’s practically applicable and as a life skill trainer and therapist, I have seen my students experiencing the magic of art therapy in their lives.  A group of IILM students took this initiative to apply this therapy for the first two weeks and shared such positive results in their level of expression, understanding of situations. One common response was that they learnt to respond rather than react in stressful situations.

Art Therapy gives people medium to express their feelings and problems and tread a happier life that is real and serene in nature. Art as a therapy has proved to be a powerful weapon to combat illness and spread well-being. It allows you to be yourself with no Form and that’s the Beauty. So let’s join hands together to inhale positivity and exhale creativity.

To connect on knowing more about the profound value and benefits of art, colors and visualization therapy write to me on

Emerging Technologies Bandwagon: IILM Embraces the New Normal!

As the Global thrust on Emerging Technologies magnifies, IILM is ready to embrace New Age application areas such as Market Intelligence, Logistics, Text/Data Mining, Gaming, Consumer Electronics and Vehicle technology to name a few.

Call for New Profiles: The Best B Schools are tracking the Industrial Shift towards Market Intelligence, Artificial Intelligence & Cloud Computing lead profiles. The New Normal calls for the inclusive growth of E-Commerce, Ed-Tech, Supply Chain/Logistics, Health and Medical Devices and Start-Ups/ Patent filiations. Start-ups uphold tremendous learning opportunities.

Era for Startups/ IP creation:

The New Normal has also opened door to startups and venturing capabilities. Indian Start-ups have continued to show an increased focus on IP creation, as Indian companies and start-ups filed over 60% of the technology patents out of a total 6500. As an eye-opener to many, these were filed in the US by India domiciled companies during the period 2015 -2019. While international companies accounted for only 23%. Artificial Intelligence accounted for majority number of patents while Cloud Computing took the top spot in terms of growth.

Call to Strengthen Global Network:

With the help of our strongest asset-Stakeholders, we have been able to come up with the Knowledge Repository & Skill database updated at par with the industrial requirements. The new normal has strengthened our ties with networked Global Partners to foster the academic and application based research.

Contemporary Courses:

The New Normal further opens up avenues for online courses like Entrepreneurship in Emerging Economies, Introduction to Artificial Intelligence with Python, Improving your business through a culture of Health, Introduction to linear models and matrix algebra, Data wise a Collaborative process and many more.


How Leadership Works: And What Motivates People to Follow.

This is one question that every leader thinks, that is how to persuade others to do what you want them to do in the most effective manner. To come to the definite answer to this question, there is a need to start reflecting on what motivates you  to follow or listen to someone. The moment you start reflecting on this basic question, you will immediately start pondering upon what makes you passionate about things in life for which you are ready to expand your comfort zone.  In majority of the cases, it’s all about making an impact  in the lives of others with your work.

Purposive Leadership

The purpose in leadership is all about who you are and what makes you distinct, it’s all about your own unique brand. It is not so much about what you do or your educational qualifications but how you do your job.

It is your ability to articulate purpose behind your work that makes you distinct.  Your ability to help your team members connect with the larger purpose behind your work i.e. making a difference in the lives of others, helps you to connect with your team and motivates them to go to any level to make a remarkable contribution at work.

David Ulrich , Professor of Business Studies at The University of Michigan, who is an expert in the field of human resource and leadership and has authored more than 30 books, shared that leaders in the organisation who enable their employees to find meaning and purpose from their work  create a work culture in which employees are more enthusiastic and generate more value for their customers and investors.

Suresh Narayanan, MD of Nestle India, is one such leader who inculcates a sense of strong purpose amongst his team members and successfully brought the company out from the Maggie crisis and is now steering Nestle successfully during the Covid-19 crises with no retrenchment amongst his existing work force. He shared that it is important to have clarity of one’s purpose in life and it is not about becoming a corporate CEO or an entrepreneur or making a million dollars, but it is all about understanding what you want to be known for, and this makes the whole difference.

How to Lead With Purpose

The first step is to identify your purpose, which needs to be real and authentic. The second important step is to articulate that purpose amongst all your stake holders clearly and persistently. The third important step is to realise that when we use our strengths at work, then we reach in the state of flow, where we become so engrossed at work that time just flows by – and the same is true for our team members. So, help your team members identify their strengths and use it at work. Lastly, create a positive work environment by encouraging a positive work relationship and by giving positive feedback to your team members. Remember, you can help your team members grow by focusing on their strengths. It is only an uplifting and supportive work environment that can help your team members connect to the deeper meaning of their work.

This is what Yuon Chouinard, CEO of Patagonia, an American outdoor clothing company, has done. He clearly aligned his purpose i.e. “cause no unnecessary harm and use business to inspire and implement solutions to environmental crisis” in all his processes, be it product-lines, supply-chain or the pricing of its products. This motivated the company to switch to organic cotton in their clothing lines. The result is that today Patagonia is thriving due to its  focus on overall purpose behind their business and not just the profits.

Purpose Assures Safety in The Times of Crisis.

Leaders who lead with purpose can easily bring their organisations out from crisis. American energy company, DTE Energy, could overcome the 2008 financial crisis by inculcating training programmes for employees that spoke about purpose behind their work. They conducted town hall meetings and conducted culture-binding activities that increased employee engagement to a new level. DTE won a Gallop Great Work Place Reward five years in a row, their financial performance skyrocketed, with the company’s stock price tripling from year end 2008 to year end 2017. Hence, the most important factor that makes an organisation grow amid challenges and crisis is its leadership, with strong purpose which is beyond one’s immediate interests.


Finally, it is important for a leader to help his team members not only to envision the outcome of their daily routines, but also to find meaning in those tasks. So, for me, I not only give lectures but as I teach, I also contribute in preparing Next Generation Business Leaders.

Purposeful leadership is all about creating value and leading a contributive life. It is about being genuine and helping others to develop and display their highest potential. Finally, leaders must create their own brand and think what they want it to be remembered as.


Consumerism or Spirituality: Learnings of Kabir Das for Gen-Next

According to a Mckinsey report, the spirituality among the Indians is decreasing while consumerism is on a rise. For the very same reason, India is now known as one of the biggest market places in the world. The things which used to be luxury for our grandparents and parents have now become necessities for us. Also, our parents used to buy things for a lifetime but we buy things for just a few years or even for just months. This kind of shift in temperament is visible in various other studies also as when the whole world is now moving towards contentment we are still on the path of dissatisfaction. On the one hand, when the entire world is moving towards spirituality Indians are tilted towards consumerism.

GDP Growth to Happiness Index 

The world has moved beyond mere economic development to the well-being of individuals. Presently, the growth of a nation is just not reflected in terms of GDP growth figures rather it is being measured in terms of happiness index. Since 2012, the United Nations have also come up with a study on the happiness of people across countries each year to recognize the happiness quotient of people and their well-being in place of economic development only. Since the beginning, India consistently ranked at the lower strata of countries in the world’s happiness ranking. The same story continues even in this year also as according to World Happiness Report 2020, the performance of India is very dismal in terms of ranking on Happiness Index as it ranked at 144 out of total 156 nations much below than the neighboring countries like  Pakistan, Nepal, Bangladesh, and Sri Lanka which are ranked at 66, 92, 107 and 130 respectively.

To be Spiritual Guru

In the World Happiness Report, the main factors considered for the Happiness Index of individuals are the social environment and the ability to make decisions of life.  At present when India is urging to be recognized as the ‘Spiritual Guru’ of the world it is the time when we need to dig out the learnings from our own old and probably forgotten literature to improve our ranking by increasing the well-being of Indians. India, a land of sages has a very rich source of wisdom in the form of religious and philosophical literature. India is a country that had philosophers who themselves have not gone through with any formal schooling and even they don’t know the art of writing but they have given us the mantra for content and satisfying life. Considering Kabir Das, a mystic poet, philosopher and saint of fifteenth-century who himself mentioned as illiterate as in his own words about himself ‘Masi kagad chhuyo nahi, kalam gahyo nahin hath’, he clearly said that he neither touched the paper nor hold the pen in his entire life but have given a wonderful message for a satisfying and happy life.


On consumerism, we can take a lesson from the work of Kabir as ‘Maya mari na man mara, mar mar gaye sharer, asha trushna na mari kah gaye das Kabeer’, the meaning of this verse is very apt that if we go for desires then will never be able to fulfill all instead we will lose ourselves by mere running behind them. Desires are like hallucination and they are never-ending, individuals can keep on fulfilling one the other will keep cropping up the very next moment which leaves us dissatisfied and discontent. So, the lesson which one needs to take that one should always look for needs not for desires because needs are limited which can be fulfilled and can be satisfied while desires are unlimited, and falling prey to your desires is like being in a vicious cycle which has no exit route.

Practice Satisfaction

Furthermore, Kabir also said, “Saain itna deejiye, jaame kutumb samaye. Main bhi bhookha na rahun, sadhu na bhookha jae”, with this he wants to convey that don’t be part of a rat race of earning higher and higher which will keep disturbing you and will not let you be satisfied. The desire for higher earnings will keep you in stress and dissatisfied so instead pray to the almighty for the earnings which are sufficient to meet your needs and to look after the needs of your dependents.

So, if we follow this one simple advice of Kabir to be content and don’t be a victim of our desires then one neither feel dissatisfied by comparing oneself with others nor one feels like losing control on ones’ own life. The aggregate of our feelings of contentment will surely reflect and will have a much-improved ranking on happiness index with the use of learnings of our rich cultural heritage in terms of literature.

Now the biggest question is ‘Which side you want to be?’  To be part of the rat race of consumerism or to follow the path of spirituality, guided by sages for ages. To get more on the subject can approach at


Dr. Kumar Saurabh

Assistant Professor-Finance

IILM Graduate School of Management